The Byzness

= = = = = OXFORD UNIVERSITY BYZANTINE SOCIETY The Byzness, 30 September 2012 = = = = = 1. NEWS 2. CALL FOR PAPERS 3. EVENTS 4. OPPORTUNITIES = = = = = 1. NEWS The Stavros Maderakis Database for Byzantine Art In 2011 part of the photographic collection of the Greek art … More The Byzness

The Byzness

= = = = = 1. NEWS 2. CALL FOR PAPERS 3. EVENTS 4. OPPORTUNITIES = = = = = 1. NEWS Istanbul Patriarchate Purchases “World’s Third Oldest Church” Full details on the Byzantine Blog here. [+] Opening of the exhibition ‘The Art of Bookbinding: From Byzantium to Contemporary Artistic Creation’, Byzantine and Christian Museum, … More The Byzness

The Byzness

= = = = = 1. NEWS 2. CALL FOR PAPERS 3. EVENTS 4. OPPORTUNITIES = = = = = 1. NEWS Survey of Istanbul from 1455 Yaman Dalaney has shared with us the publication of the Ottoman survey of Constantinople from only two years after the conquest, and thus is likely to be of … More The Byzness

The Byzness

= = = = = OXFORD UNIVERSITY BYZANTINE SOCIETY The Byzness, 2 September 2012 = = = = = 1. NEWS 2. CALL FOR PAPERS 3. EVENTS 4. OPPORTUNITIES = = = = = 1. NEWS Belgrade Congress Update Dear Colleagues,   I would like to thank those of you who have already submitted proposals … More The Byzness