The Byzness

​= = = = = OXFORD UNIVERSITY BYZANTINE SOCIETY The Byzness, 20th of January, 2014 = = = = = 1. NEWS & EVENTS 2. CALLS FOR PAPERS 3. INTERNSHIPS & FELLOWSHIPS = = = = =  1. NEWS & EVENTS   The Image Collections and Fieldwork Archives (ICFA) at Dumbarton Oaks presents a new online exhibit … More The Byzness

Oxford Listings

= = = = = THE OXFORD UNIVERSITY BYZANTINE SOCIETY The Oxford Listings, Hilary Term 2014, Week 1 = = = = = MONDAY 20th January 5.00 PM Medieval History Seminar Wharton Room, All Souls College   Eduardo Manzano (Centro de Ciencias Humanas y Sociales, Madrid) The formation of al-Andalus. Arabization and Islamization as factors of … More Oxford Listings

The Byzness

= = = = = OXFORD UNIVERSITY BYZANTINE SOCIETY The Byzness, 5th of January, 2014 = = = = = 1. NEWS & EVENTS 2. CALLS FOR PAPERS 3. STUDENTSHIPS & FELLOWSHIPS = = = = = 1. NEWS & EVENTS Dear All, This news does seem to confirm that a balanced representation of heritage … More The Byzness