
= = = = = OXFORD UNIVERSITY BYZANTINE SOCIETY The Byzness, 22nd December 2014 = = = = = 1. NEWS & EVENTS 2. CALLS FOR PAPERS 3. JOB & SCHOLARSHIP OPPORTUNITIES = = = = = 1. NEWS & EVENTS List of editions and translations in progress Dear colleagues and friends, please accept as … More Byzness

= = = = = OXFORD UNIVERSITY BYZANTINE SOCIETY The Byzness, 15th December 2014 = = = = = NEWS & EVENTS CALLS FOR PAPERS JOB & SCHOLARSHIP OPPORTUNITIES = = = = = NEWS & EVENTS ​Workshop- Christian and Islamic Manuscripts of Ethiopia (12th-20th century)​ by Anne Regourd The Workshop “Christian and Islamic Manuscripts … More


= = = = = OXFORD UNIVERSITY BYZANTINE SOCIETY The Byzness, 7th December 2014 = = = = = 1. NEWS & EVENTS 2. CALLS FOR PAPERS 3. JOB & SCHOLARSHIP OPPORTUNITIES = = = = = NEWS & EVENTS 19th International Conference of Ethiopian Studies, 24th-28th August 2015, Warsaw Please find the website for … More Byzness