The Byzness

= = = = = OXFORD BYZANTINE SOCIETY The Byzness: 26 September 2010 1. OPPORTUNITIES = = = = = 1.OPPORTUNITIES The Cornell Program in Medieval Studies invites applications for a tenure-track position beginning fall 2011. A PhD in a relevant field is required. We seek a scholar with a strong commitment to research and … More The Byzness

The Byzness

= = = = = OXFORD BYZANTINE SOCIETY The Byzness: 13 September 2010 1. OPPORTUNITIES 2. CALLS FOR PAPERS 3. CONFERENCES 4. NEWS = = = = = 1. OPPORTUNITIES The Program in Byzantine Studies within Dumbarton Oaks Research Library and Collection (, in association with Georgetown University, announces a three-year post-doctoral teaching fellowship (2011-14), with … More The Byzness

The Byzness

= = = = = OXFORD BYZANTINE SOCIETY The Byzness: 5 September 2010 1. OPPORTUNITIES 2. STUDENTSHIPS 3. CALLS FOR PAPERS 4. UPCOMING LECTURES = = = = = 1. OPPORTUNITIES INDIANA UNIVERSITY, Bloomington, Department of Religious Studies and Russian and East European Institute, invite applications for a tenure-track assistant professor in Orthodox Christianity. Ph.D. … More The Byzness