The Byzness, 15th March 2023

==== THE OXFORD UNIVERSITY BYZANTINE SOCIETY The Byzness, 15th March 2023 (Hilary Week 9) ==== 1. NEWS AND EVENTS 2. CALLS FOR PAPERS 3. JOBS AND SCHOLARSHIP OPPORTUNITIES Please see below the weekly Byzness. There will be a brief interlude to editions while the OUBS are on their Annual Research Trip. We anticipate the Byzness … More The Byzness, 15th March 2023

The Byzness, 1st March 2023

==== THE OXFORD UNIVERSITY BYZANTINE SOCIETY The Byzness, 1st March 2023 (Hilary Week 7) ==== 1. NEWS AND EVENTS 2. CALLS FOR PAPERS 3. JOBS AND SCHOLARSHIP OPPORTUNITIES Dear All,  My apologies for this being deliveredĀ on Wednesday rather than Monday but I hope you will suffer this happily due to the vigoursĀ and exertions of the … More The Byzness, 1st March 2023