The Byzness, 27th February 2022

====THE OXFORD UNIVERSITY BYZANTINE SOCIETYThe Byzness, 27th February 2022====1. NEWS AND EVENTS 2. CALLS FOR PAPERS 3. JOBS AND SCHOLARSHIP OPPORTUNITIES==== NEWS AND EVENTS “Still ‘Caput Mundi’? The Role of Rome between Late Antiquity and the Early Middle Ages in the Western Mediterranean” (University of Hamburg), 3-5 March 2022 International Conference „Still ‘Caput Mundi’? The Role of Rome … More The Byzness, 27th February 2022

The Byzness, 20th February 2022

====THE OXFORD UNIVERSITY BYZANTINE SOCIETYThe Byzness, 20th February 2022====1. NEWS AND EVENTS 2. CALLS FOR PAPERS 3. JOBS AND SCHOLARSHIP OPPORTUNITIES==== NEWS AND EVENTS 24th OUBS graduate international conference: Reshaping the World: Utopias, Ideals and Aspirations in Late Antiquity and Byzantium, 25th – 26th February (Oxford, Faculty of History – online) Our conference seeks to join the ongoing dialogue on utopias, … More The Byzness, 20th February 2022

The Byzness, 15th February 2022

====THE OXFORD UNIVERSITY BYZANTINE SOCIETYThe Byzness, 15th February 2022====1. NEWS AND EVENTS 2. CALLS FOR PAPERS 3. JOBS AND SCHOLARSHIP OPPORTUNITIES==== NEWS AND EVENTS Online Conference: Opening the Sacred Text-Meaning, Materiality and Historiography, Zoom, 21st-23rd February Registration is now open for “Opening the Sacred Text: Meaning, Materiality, Historiography”. Bringing together scholars from around the world, we will explore … More The Byzness, 15th February 2022

The Byzness, 5th February 2022

====THE OXFORD UNIVERSITY BYZANTINE SOCIETYThe Byzness, 5th February 2022====1. NEWS AND EVENTS 2. CALLS FOR PAPERS 3. JOBS AND SCHOLARSHIP OPPORTUNITIES==== 1.             NEWS AND EVENTS Byzantine Seminars in Birmingham The Department of Classics, Ancient History and Archaeology (CAHA) and the Centre for Byzantine, Ottoman and Modern Greek Studies (CBOMGS) at the University of Birmingham are delighted to announce their … More The Byzness, 5th February 2022